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Welgevonden Estate: Estate manager’s newsletter: April 2022

Dear Welgevonden Estate Homeowners and Residents

Isn’t it particularly special to be living in Welgevonden Estate this time of year? With nature’s rich and warm colours around us, and with a certain tranquillity in the air, our neighbourhood undoubtedly offers contentment which is second to none!

Let’s enjoy and make the most of this remarkable season!

This newsletter

Contrary to the long weekend, this will be a short newsletter. But then, who wants to read long newsletters in the lead up to the minibreak that lies ahead!

Creature comforts

During the past weeks we focussed on adding smaller amenities to make estate life even more pleasurable. These include creating a new playpark at the end of Belladonna Street, and adding additional play equipment to the Minaret and Honeybush playparks.

We’ve also added a number of refuse bins on the green areas and along the walkways to make it easier for those walking their dogs, to pick up and deposit their dogs’ droppings.

And the good news is that, after a delay due to administrative reasons, the new coffee kiosk should be in operation soon after the Easter weekend! Just in time to add even more flavour (pun intended!) to the wonderful weather we’re experiencing right now!

Keeping up the appearance of individual properties

Excom is in a process of updating the Welgevonden Architectural Directives and Design Guidelines as to ensure we keep up with new additions and trends in the property and construction industry. Notwithstanding the above, we will still ensure that the guidelines is in keeping with our original Cape Vernacular style.

Owners are reminded to ensure their properties are maintained and special attention to the following is required:

  • Exterior wall painting and approved exterior colours

  • Maintenance of roofs

  • Compliance of boundary walls

  • Screening of air conditioner units that are visible from the street

  • Garden maintenance

It is clear that the vast majority of owners do take the upkeep of their properties seriously. Thank you for that! Thank you also to those who have responded in a positive manner when certain deviations or breaches on properties were pointed out. Ultimately the architectural directives and design guidelines seek to protect the value of our properties and to set the standards for a quality lifestyle. Let’s keep up with the good work in this regard!


Owners are reminded that any exterior alterations (for example, a pergola, boundary wall, pool, patio and similar) require a building plan to be submitted to the WHOA for approval. Once approved, the plan must be submitted to Stellenbosch Municipality for their approval. Only once Stellenbosch Municipality has approved the plan, construction may commence.

Refuse collection: Easter weekend

The normal municipal recycling and refuse collection service will not be delivered on Good Friday, 15 April 2022. In Welgevonden Estate the service will be rendered on Saturday, 16 April 2022.

We kindly request residents to place waste out for collection only on Friday evening or early Saturday morning, and not before the start of the long weekend.


With the Easter weekend upcoming, we wish our homeowners, residents and their families a peaceful Easter. May the days ahead become an extension of this special time of the year, and may you travel safely if you go away for the long weekend.

Best regards

Gawie Marx

Estate Manager

13 April 2022


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