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Welgevonden Estate: Estate Manager’s newsletter: June 2022

Dear Welgevonden Estate Homeowners and Residents

“Winter either bites with its teeth or lashes with its tail!”

We do not know who the originator of this adage is, but this person must have had our part of the world in mind when saying so. What a lashing of rain we’ve had earlier this week, with more expected to fall during the weekend that lies ahead! No doubt – the Boland winter has arrived!

Storm water drainage While on the topic of rain, we wish to thank the Stellenbosch Municipality for their swift response to our request to inspect and clean, where necessary, Welgevonden Estate’s storm water drainage system in advance of the approaching rain earlier this week. Our request came as a precautionary measure to prevent possible flooding, especially in the lower-lying areas of the estate. The work was done over the weekend of 11 and 12 June.

Stellenbosch Municipality attending to the estate's storm water drainage system

Progress: Upgrading the dam area

The Department of Water and Sanitation has now given approval for the upgrading of the area abutting the Welgevonden Dam to a recreational area. Part of the approval process was an environmental impact assessment that was done last year, during which it was confirmed that the upgrade would not have a negative effect on the environment.

The plans for the upgrading were submitted to the Stellenbosch Municipality while awaiting the approval from the Department of Water and Sanitation. With this now available, the municipality can go ahead to review the project for endorsement.

Estate management has, in the meantime, started to obtain quotations from qualified service providers. Once Stellenbosch Municipality’s approval has been received and all the required information obtained, homeowners will be informed at a members’ meeting about the detail of the proposed project in order to obtain sanction to go ahead.

An artist impression of the planned recreational upgrade of the dam area

Sinking of a borehole and installation of an irrigation system

We’ve successfully completed the project to drill for water on the estate, and submitted an application to register the borehole – located near the R304 entrance – to the Department of Water and Sanitation. Now to follow is the installation of an irrigation system for the gardens and lawns on the estate’s open spaces. (This was approved at the AGM 2021, on condition that sufficient ground water was found when drilling for water.) Our aim is to complete this project before the start of summer.

Voliere Development

Civil works to link Voliere Estate’s municipal services infrastructure to the main services infrastructure for this part of the Stellenbosch Municipal area should start soon. The bulk of the work will take place towards the top end of Fynbos Street. We’ll be providing more details to owners and residents staying in that area to inform them of what to expect.

Appointment of a landscape manager

Excom has approved the appointment of Ruan du Plessis as Welgevonden Estate’s landscape manager. He will be reporting to the estate manager.

This newly-created portfolio is in line with Excom’s approach to have ownership of, and full control over, key Welgevonden Estate functions. It is structured along the same principles as the portfolio of the estate’s security manager but, in this case, focused on the estate’s landscaping requirements.

With this new approach, Crown Landscaping’s contract with Welgevonden Estate will come to an end on 31 July 2022. Their labour force will continue to work on the estate, but will now be employed by a green services company that provides horticultural and related recreational solutions to the corporate sector. As such they will be providing the manpower for the estate’s landscaping service, but working under Ruan’s instruction and supervision.

Ruan is no stranger to Welgevonden Estate. Residents already got to know him in his capacity as the manager of the Crown Landscaping account on the estate over the past 12 months.

Helping to keep Welgevonden Estate hygienic and clean

We were approached by Mr Tony Brown from the business Kleen Bin about their winter special offer to Welgevonden Estate residents for a refuse bin cleaning services. Please contact him via e-mail on or telephonically on 079 591 4693 if you require more information.

National Arbor Week

Although spring might be the last thing on the mind right now, we wish to mention that we’re planning a special event in which all residents can participate during Arbor Week from 1 – 7 September this year. This national event on the South African calendar aims to promote the planting of indigenous trees as a practical and symbolic gesture of sustainable environmental management. More information will follow in due course.

In conclusion

We wish all the dads in our community an exceptional and happy Father’s Day this coming Sunday. Do enjoy the day with your families!

For those going away during the upcoming school holidays, travel safely and enjoy the mid-year break.

And, finally, stay warm, stay dry, and stay safe during these cold months!

Best regards

Gawie Marx

Estate Manager

17 June 2022

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