Dear Welgevonden Estate Homeowners and Residents
Winter has arrived!
As always, this time of the year bestows a certain enchantment upon Welgevonden Estate and its beautiful natural surroundings. Cold days, rainy nights, and even the occasional snowfall on the nearby mountains all intertwine to create a special mood in this wonderful place we call home.
Stay dry. Stay warm. And enjoy the spell the chilly season brings to Welgevonden Estate!
Landscaping at the Welgevonden dam
Work has started on hard and soft landscaping at the Welgevonden dam, with the following already completed:
Loffelstein landscaping retainer blocks positioned along the walkway adjacent to Hendrikse Street.
Concrete stepping blocks installed at the two decks along the dam wall.
Concrete steps set up at the contractors’ gate to the dam.
A gabion wall filled with potting soil and plants to create a future garden wall.
Compost added to the poor soil along certain sections of the walkway, and plants planted.
A new Garden Path walkway established on the Stone Square side of the dam, with plants added.
Irrigation installed in the new garden sections along the R44 and Hendrikse Street walkways.
Upcoming work scheduled:
Installing new lawn around the decks at the R44 traffic light and up to the stormwater inlet bridge.
Creating a new Fynbos Path from the dam’s overflow bridge (adjacent to Voliere Estate) to the main deck at the R44 traffic light.
Planting a gabion wall garden and creating floating steps in the area adjacent to the R44 traffic light.
Establishing a new garden at the contractors’ gate to the dam.
Planting new plants along the dam wall walkway.
Weather permitting, we’re aiming to have everything in place when summer starts!

Maintenance of paved sections, visitor parking areas and poorts
Still on the topic of Welgevonden Estate’s visual appeal, we’ve started with a programme to maintain and upgrade the appearance of Welgevonden Estate’s paved sections, visitor parking areas, and poort passageways.
Trees and shrubs near the security fence
We again wish to point out that trees, shrubs, or plants may not be planted near the security fence or security structures, as these may interfere with the functionality of the estate’s electric fence and perimeter security cameras. A distance of at least 1,5 m away from the fence is required.
Should such plants already exist on erven adjacent to the security fence, it remains the responsibility of the owners or occupants of such erven to maintain and trim these plants and/or tree branches so that they do not interfere with the camera system.
Screening refuse bins and air conditioners from street view
Homeowners and residents enquire from time to time at the Welgevonden Estate office about screening refuse bins and air conditioners from street view. In general, the following apply:
A. Refuse bins: Refuse bins must be kept on an erf in such a manner that it is not visible from a communal facility or another erf. Residents who are not able to position their refuse bins in this manner due to the nature of their erven or the buildings on it, are requested to discuss the matter with the estate manager to find solutions by placing the bins elsewhere on the erf, but suitably screened off. In this instance the screens should be painted in harmony with the appearance of the garden, or the colour of the house. (Please see the solution below that Binhaus offers in this regard. If interested, homeowners can enquire with them directly at

B. Air conditioners: Air conditioning condenser units must, if not located within a service yard, be installed low against exterior walls at ground level. These units must be entirely screened off and may not be visible from the street or public open spaces. We recommend finishing the screens off in the colour of the house, or in white.
New shift supervisor: Xone Integrated Security
We welcome Henrico Opperman as a Xone shift supervisor on Welgevonden Estate. He replaces Supervisor Hendricks who accepted a new position elsewhere within Xone.

Heater safety
Winter has arrived, and many households will be using standalone heaters during the coming months to create warmth in their residences. These heating appliances, however, bring with them certain hazards that users should be aware of to ensure the safety of those inside the home.
Below is a list, not necessarily comprehensive, of basic safety precautions when using standalone heaters:
Choose heaters that offer the highest degree of safety. Heaters that present higher risk are those using liquid fuels (for example, older generation paraffin heaters), or with open flames or exposed glowing elements when in use. Panel or ceramic heaters without exposed elements are generally of a safer nature.
Avoid using extension leads with electric heaters. However, if you do not have a choice, make sure the extension cable has a high enough rating to cope with the current drawn by the heater. Also ensure that the plugs are fitted securely and that the cable has no dry joints that may overheat and cause a fire. Position cables away from traffic areas where people may trip over them which could result in personal injury or cause the heater to fall over and start a fire. Do not run extension cables underneath carpets.
Read the instructions before using a heater.
Keep heaters away from children.
Do not use heaters in rooms where the occupants will not be able to switch them off should it become too hot for them, for instance bedridden patients.
Keep heaters away from flammable materials such as curtains, tablecloths, and carpets.
Place heaters out of the way where they cannot fall over and where people cannot trip over them.
Ensure that plugs are securely connected to the heater’s electric cord. Do not use the heater if the cord or plug is damaged.
Do not cover heaters with wet or dry items such as clothing or towels.
Do not use electric heaters in bathrooms or at jacuzzis, unless designed for this application. Do not place electric heaters where they can fall into water, and do not switch them on or off when standing in water or when you have your hands in water. This could cause electrical shock.
Ensure a flow of fresh air into rooms when using open-flame heaters such as liquid fuel or gas heaters. These heaters tend to dry out the air. They also burn up oxygen in the room which can cause drowsiness or even suffocation when used in unventilated spaces.
Unplug electric heaters when not in use.
Do not use heaters in rooms where petrol, paint and other flammable materials are used or stored.
Winter 2024 school holiday
We wish those who will going away during the upcoming school holidays safe journeys. We trust that you will enjoy the break and return refreshed!
Best regards
Gawie Marx
Estate Manager
5 June 2024